Grafted avocado seedlings for food security

During the Covid-19 crisis in Ethiopia, although, compared with other countries there were no radical lock-down measures, the access of the parents to work the gardens and produce vegetables became infrequent and unreliable. The income through the School Feeding Program became less to none, depending on school closure measures.

For the long-term resilience of this food security model, Food Secured Schools Africa has started a new component focusing on trees in addition to vegetables.

The advantages of avocado trees are as following:

  • need a different type of care that can better withstand infrequent or limited access to school premises;
  • the start-up is cheaper (pits can be rescued from the waste of juice shops) and require less land preparation (soil bags instead of digging classical garden plots and later punctual holes); 
  • avocado plants can be sold as seedlings in the first 2 years. A significant value is added when the plant is grafted;  
  • after 2-3 years the watering and care needs decrease significantly while assuring highly nutritious food that can be sold both towards the School Feeding Program and outside urban food markets;

GRAFTING is an agricultural technique whereby tissues of plants are joined so as to continue their growth together. The upper part of the combined plant is called the scion while the lower part is called the rootstock.

The technique is used in propagation of commercially grown plants to ensure quality of the fruits.

For 2021 Food Secured Schools Africa has 10.000 root stock plants (1 year old), ready for grafting and distribution. The grafted plants will be distributed as following:

  • cca 2.000 seedlings to be handed-out to parents groups active in public schools gardens in Addis Ababa; The costs will be supported through donations that will cover the cost of the grafted trees as well as the work of the parent groups to care for the plants during the first critical years. The schools will agree to display in the orchad the names of the donors and allow visits during consented times.
  • Up to 5.000 plants to be sold to farmers across Ethiopia for a discounted price; All trees will be tracked and monitored using a digital database and through regular communication with the farmers. Later on, when the fruit production will start, the information will become open sourced to digital market tools that will support advantageous prices and sales opportunities for the farmers.
  • The rest of succesfully grafted plants will sold for a commercial price to individual households interested in urban farming.

In order to support a smooth implementation of this idea, Food Secured Africa is inviting donors and investors to pre-order grafted avocado trees.

You donate for the costs of min 5 grafted avocado trees to be planted and taken care in a school orchad.

  • The cost per tree is estimated to ETB 300. One third of the donation will cover the cost of the grafted tree while 200 ETB for each tree will become income for parents or school staff who will plant and water the tree for 1.5 years. ETB 20 per tree will be paid right after the planting and after that ETB 10 per month proven the tree is alive and well.
  • Your name will be displayed at the school garden and publicised in online media.
  • Upon agreement with the school management, you can visit the school orchard with your family and friends on special events and holidays.

You donate an amount that saves 30 to 70% of the purchase cost for a farmer to start a commercially viable avocado plantation

  • The commercial cost for a grafted avocado tree varies from ETB 120 to ETB 85, depending on the quantity.
  • You decide a number of trees and the discount percentage to support a farmer to start a quality avocado plantation.
  • Depending on the donated amount, you can agree with the farmer on a quantity of fruits you can pick from the farm every year, for the entire life time of the tree plantation.
  • We encourage you to donate for farmers in your extended family or in rural areas where you have personal connections.

You purchase your own grafted avocado tree to enjoy in your family garden.

  • The commercial cost for a grafted avocado tree is ETB 120 to ETB 85, depending on the number of trees you purchase.
  • We will advise you for the best care of your orchard.
  • We will include you on a digital map or urban farmers who increase the food resilience of Addis Ababa.

Donor list

  • The Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA) holds their annual tree seedling planting event at Mekdela Primary School in Addis Ababa and has purchased 400 avocado seedlings.
  • Ms. Hanna Tekle Pindza and Prof. Edson Pindza have contributed ETB 70.000 for school tree gardens. The largest number of trees will be planted at Ms. Pindza former school in Addis Ababa.
  • Ms. Änna Ka has fundraised ETB 25.200 for school tree gardens.

Published by eskyau

Founder of Food Secured Schools Africa (FSSA)

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